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Mummies, your journey starts here!

It’s time to feel happier about yourself and finally overcome your body struggles!!

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As a busy mum of 2 little ones, and 2 c-sections, I totally understand the hardship we face both in body and mind
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Never struggle or feel alone on your journey!

I am on hand to answer your questions and the members group is active 24/7 with mums supporting one another  🌸

Welcome to the tribe! 💖


  • Join like minded mums in the member's group

  • Over 300 short mummy friendly workouts

  • Access anytime, on any device

  • Weekly workout plans for motivation

  • Monthly mouthwatering recipes

  • Food & diet help

  • 1-1 support offered through the members group your emotional well-being ,weight loss and fitness journey

FROM £4.99 P/M




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Workout Videos

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Food & Diet

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Weekly Workout

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Members  Group

Fitness App

Success Stories

LBB to good to be missed perfect for busy mums
I have been trying to write this review for ages but no words seem to quite give justice to how amazing Legs, Bums and Bubbas is, Kate has created a kind, welcoming community and she offers well rounded workouts that work for everyone. Kate is so supportive and responds to any questions or queries. I have recently joined the core builder it has really taken my workouts to another level, I feel physically stronger and can notice a difference in my overall shape and posture, I am super sad that the 4 weeks have come to an end. But grateful that I am no longer getting back pain or sciatic pain. To give context I have been working with physios for months to try and fix the issues but no joy, 4 weeks of strengthening my core and the pain is gone! Legs bum and Bubbas has really slotted into my daily routine. The challenge cards been a great addition to my workouts as I don’t have to think and they really give you motivation to try and achieve bingo. Kate’s bubbly, energetic enthusiasm really brings joy to my day you, she makes pressing play easy and gives me the push I need, I have been using her stretch videos to help me unwind and switch off and this has really helped my sleep. Thank you so much Kate, I really feel like you’re helping me to get back on track and find myself again. So grateful to have LBB. Anyone that is feeling lost on where to start with excercise whether it be to lose weight, tone or just to generally be healthier then look no further, what Kate has created is so achievable and isn’t just a Fad that you’ll do for a few weeks and stop it’s super achievable and becomes a way of life. You definitely won’t be disappointed.
average rating is 5 out of 5

Emma Weston

18 Jun 2024

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